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Samuel Thomas

[S10E11] Morning Star

Downstairs, Ezekiel is fastening his armor when Daryl approaches him. Noticing the lumps on Ezekiel's neck, Daryl asks if he's okay. "Nah, I got cancer.", Ezekiel replies, but goes on to state "But that's okay, you know what I'm saying?". Daryl says that he's sorry for this, and acknowledges that while he and Ezekiel never really got along, he and the others are nonetheless glad to have him. Ezekiel thanks Daryl for his kind words. The two proceed to arrange for the other to get the children out in case one of them falls in battle. When Ezekiel leaves, Daryl notices Judith sitting on the sofa and wonders why she isn't with the other kids. Judith insists that she can fight. Daryl says that he knows she can, and apologizes for Judith seeing the bodies of Felix and Penny earlier that day. Judith dismisses them as "just walkers", which she has killed plenty of. Judith claims that she isn't scared, but when Daryl says that he might be, she says that she might be scared for R.J., her mom, and Daryl. Daryl assures her that there is no shame in that, since she knows what she's fighting for. Judith reveals that she repaired the wing on Daryl's vest. Daryl thanks her for the gift, before making her promise that if Ezekiel comes looking for her, she goes with him, regardless of whether she knows where Daryl is. Judith promises after some hesitation, and the two hug each other goodbye. Outside, Carol approaches Daryl and asks him to not hate her. Daryl assures her that he is never going to hate her, before taking his leave. He grabs a morning star and heads out for battle.

[S10E11] Morning Star

As everyone is gathered on the front lines, Kelly puts her palms on the ground and confirms that the horde is close. Indeed, the horde soon emerges from the bushes and approaches the Hilltop. While they are momentarily halted by the electric fence, the walkers soon break through it and approach the second line of defense. Aaron orders the survivors to split ranks. The shield-wielding survivors reinforce the makeshift barbed wire fence, while the melee weapon-wielding survivors start taking out the walkers. The archers, meanwhile, stay in the back and rain arrows on the herd. Behind the herd, Beta commands the Whisperers to launch the sap they collected earlier using makeshift catapults into the front lines, drenching most of the defenders as well as the Hilltop's walls. This is followed by the Whisperers launching fire-arrows into the front lines, setting one unfortunate Hilltop resident ablaze. Behind the Whisperer lines, Negan is puzzled, since he thought Alpha wanted the survivors to join them. Alpha assures Negan that they will, as part of her horde, much to his bemusement. With no choice, the defenders begin to retreat towards the Hilltop, but are trapped when the Whisperers launch another volley of fire-arrows into the Hilltop's walls, setting the community ablaze.

Seriál The Walking Dead odstartoval svou existenci na podzim roku 2010 a skončil na konci roku 2022. Byl tu s námi dlouhých dvanáct let, ale vše musí jednou dojít na svůj konec. Pokud chcete seriál podpořit a zároveň ukázat, jak vás bavil, ohodnoťte jej. Můžete také ohodnotit jednotlivé postavy a epizody.

Eugene tem a primeira pista de onde a potencial aliada pode estar quando ela fala sobre o satélite que viu caindo algumas noites atrás. O objeto caiu próximo à casa do cientista e, se ela conseguiu ver, só pode significar que eles estão relativamente perto. Ele então começa a deixar mais claras suas intenções de conhecer a comunidade que pode se tornar uma potencial aliada, e mais do que isso, de conhecer Stephanie, a quem tem desenvolvido sentimentos.

Oh GOD you just have to watch this whole video starting in 3.00. Basically she is saying Beth is alive. And the part where Emily says: they had to leave her body.. I cant send the exact link but IT is in YouTube . Kate Nash Stalking Dead with Emily Kinney. Woww

Watching this episode brought back memories of watching West Side Story as a teenager. I was totally in love with the character, Bernardo (George Chakiris). While Alpha, Beta, and Negan whisper taunts of destruction as they march toward Hilltop, Team Daryl is gearing up in medieval armor with Daryl armed with a morning star (a medieval spiked ball on a chain).

A Heckler & Koch VP9 is seen in a thigh holster in one of the Commonwealth soldiers in a production image of the Commonwealth soldiers. It's likely that the VP9 has been used in the ending of "A Certain Doom" (S10E16), but it is kind of hard to see and identify any of the holstered handguns (revealed to be SIG P226s in "Splinter" & Season 11) of the soldiers. The VP9 is an anachronism given that the outbreak has started in 2010, the VP9 was introduced to the U.S. market in 2014.

A member of the Saviors is armed with a YHM Desert Enforcer with a scope during Michonne's hallucinations in "What We Become" (S10E13). This gun is an anachronism since the outbreak started in 2010 and the rifle was introduced to the US market in 2012-13.

A Tikka T3x Tac A1 with a suppressor is used by the Reaper named Montanio (Mike Whinnet) in "Home Sweet Home" (S10E17). He kills Maggie's people and then drops the rifle. This gun is an anachronism since the outbreak started in 2010 and the Tikka rifle was introduced to the US market in 2020.

Kto je chodiaca smrť? Zombie, kam sa pozrieš, alebo hŕstka vyčerpaných ľudí v hroznom prostredí? Zem ovládli položivé netvory. Boj zvyškov ľudstva o prežití v postapokalyptickom svete sa môže začať. Živí mŕtvi zachytávajú príbeh skupinky ľudí, ktorí prežili vírusovú epidémiu, ktorá zmenila väčšinu ľudstva na agresívne zombie. Pod vedením Ricka, ktorý bol v starom svete policajtom, cestujú americkou Georgiou a snažia sa nájsť nový bezpečný domov. Čím je situácia zúfalejšia, tým je ich vôľa prežiť silnejšia. Sú ochotní urobiť takmer čokoľvek, aby zostali nažive. Ako dlho si udržia zvyšky ľudskosti? Zástupca šerifa Rick Grimes sa preberie z kómy v opustenej poničenej nemocnici. Zistia, že zatiaľ čo bol v bezvedomí, svet postihla epidémia vírusu, ktorý svoje obete nielen zabíjal, ale po smrti z nich urobil zombie, ktoré teraz požierajú živých ľudí. Jeho žena a syn nie sú k nájdeniu. Rick sa od iného preživšieho dopočuje, že vraj federálne Centrum pre kontrolu chorôb v Atlante v Georgii vymedzilo bezpečnú zónu, kde by možno mohol rodinu nájsť. Ozbrojí sa a vydá na dlhú nebezpečnú cestu zničenú krajinou. Na kraji Atlanty sa naozaj ukrýva jeho žena Lori so synom Carlom. Navyše je s nimi Rickov policajný parťák a najlepší kamarát Shane, s ktorým sa však domnelá vdova Lori medzitým zaplietla. Našli tu útočisko v skupine ďalších preživších. Tvorí ju Dale, ktorý vlastní obytný automobil, ktorý sa stal centrom komunity, sestry Andrea a Amy, Glenn, ktorý predtým roznášal pizzu a teraz ho často posielajú na nebezpečné misie, a mnoho ďalších. S Rickom ako neformálnym vodcom sa snaží za každú cenu zostať nažive, aj keď ich mŕtvi prenasledujú na každom kroku. Dokážu si ale udržať pri hľadaní kúska bezpečia a domova ľudskosť? Alebo sa nakoniec sami stanú chodiacimi strojmi na prežitie, živými mŕtvymi?Tagy: the, walking, dead 041b061a72


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